Tuesday, March 31, 2009


How would you like it if they took your kids away from you, put them in cages, beat them up and starve them in order to make them really angry, and then put them in a ring to rip each other apart for the entertainment and profit of others? Pretty fucked up right? Well, that's what they do to dogs and other types of animals. Take the Michael Vick story. A guy who had loads of money yet had a dog fighting rink, for what...? I say he was a vicious sadist who took pleasure out of seeing animals hurt each other. He's not the only one. However, he is now in jail and lost everything. WOOOORD! and I hope others like him suffer the same fate. Animal fighting should be a federal offense!

It's funny, I grew up in Puerto Rico where an old time national sport, practiced mostly by the "jibaros" or country people was the famous cockfights. Funny how when the majority of people in society, particularly those of the male gender, decide that something is OK, it just has no relevance how disgusting, barbaric or gruesome the action might be. We take it at face value and go... "sure...OK!"

It was not until later in my adolescence that I thought to myself "hummmm... there' something wrong with this picture." Why do we take pleasure in seeing living beings destroy each other? Well, let's ask the boxing fans. Which is interesting because at least in boxing, there are certain safety rules, they don't fight till the death, and they don't get starved or beaten before they go on the ring. Or punished if they don't do well. NO, they train like athletes, eat, sleep like the rest of us, and if they make money, they live like kings and spend the rest of the time partying and spending all the cash. Very different from the life of a dog used for the same purpose.


"THANK YOU! " on behalf of  dogs all over the world who can't write or speak to thank you themselves...

Animal Gladiators

This article is not just about roosters, who are merely used here as an example of the various animals that are used for "fights" by humans to entertain themselves, for those who find animal gladiators ripping at each other entertaining, and for profit.  Please read this alarming story. It's an example of how little regard we have for life in this planet, no matter what their form is. But hell, they kidnap kids and sell them to prostitution and we kill each other for no reason, so why wouldn't they do it to animals... NOOOT!

These are words spoken by Al Carter, director of animal operations at Moore County animal control in Eagle Springs, North Carolina.
He’s talking about 74 roosters “rescued” from a cockfighting bust. In lieu of contacting sanctuaries or rescue agencies to try and save even a couple of these roosters, animal control officers spent six hours shooting every bird in the head. A bullet to the head may be a quick death if done properly, though I can’t see how that’s possible with a frightened, squirming chicken. But imagine if these were 74 dogs from a puppy mill - would your response to a bullet to the brain be a little different? Would you be a little offended or appalled if an animal control director said that all puppy mill dogs are good for is a bullet to the head?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hollywood is kicked out of Mexico

Mexican drug cartels don't like rivals treading on their territory; they don't like the police poking around; and now, it seems, they don't much care for Hollywood taking an interest in their business.

Producers of a film about the murder of a cocaine smuggler, which would have starred Eva Mendes, Josh Hartnett and Sir Ben Kingsley, have been forced to abandon filming on the Mexican coast after the movie-makers received death threats.>

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Expulsan de la Habana a Hector Ramirez antes de poder llegar a ver a su madre

EXPULSAN DE LA ADUANA CUBANA, al escritor y disidente cubano Héctor Ramírez, quien había viajado a la isla con urgencia ante la eminente muerte de su madre, producto de un fulminante cáncer de pulmón que le fue detectado hace un año y ya no tiene solución.   

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Support Generation Y and all other Cuban blogs

I want to encourage all bloggers, particularly those who are Cubans in exile as well as 2 and 3 generation Cubans, but not limited to...  also bloggers around the world to support Yoani Sanchez' portal Generation Y and all other blogs from Cubans residing in the island. Especially if you are someone with technical knowledge, THEY NEED YOUR HELP. Their use of internet is limited and they depend on friends, most of them supporters from abroad as I understand it, to tech serve their sites and help them run efficiently. 

People like Yoani are creating a new kind of Revolution. A vocal Revolution based on freely expressing their opinions and demanding the basic human rights every citizen deserves. These people are bold, ballsy, and sacrificing what little regulated rights they have in order to fight the system and have their voices heard by the blogging community (and hopefully beyond that) all over the world. 

Yoani has been denied permission to travel outside of Cuba 3 times, and the regime simply can't give her a good reason why. Well... we all know why, and I think Yoani knows as well. But that doesn't stop her. That doesn't take away her desire to dream about the possibility of one day being able to express her opinions freely without having to worry that she will be punished for it by having whatever little privileges, if you can call them that, taken away from her. One of them being travel, another one the right to publicly assemble in a group situation which was denied when she tried to organize a sort of bloger's convention. I don't know if they were able to finally carry out this event or not, but I do know she was visited by government officials whose sole intent was to prevent her from achieving her purpose.

Your support and encouragement is one of the few things they can feed on. We can serve as a sounding board and much more. They are crying out for help, but most of all they are dying to connect with the outside world. It's like "message in a bottle".  Let's let them know their message has reached our shores.

Please visit the following site to sing a petition to protect  Bears in Artic Refuges  
Palin wants to get rid of them you know...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

RIP Tasha

Your grace and beauty will remain eternal. Be at peace in your spirit's journey towards evolution and higher consciousness. You will be remembered. 

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Letter from Antunez to Obama

This is a letter from Jorge Luis Carcía Antúnez to President Barack Obama, asking him to take into consideration the plight of the political prisoners in Cuba, who are exposed to the worst kinds of torture and punishment for defending Human Rights. It is currently in Spanish, so I apologize to those non Spanish speakers.

Carta Abierta Al Presidente de USA

Señor presidente, le escribe desde Cuba, esta pequeña isla del Caribe, JORGE LUÍS GARCÍA PÉREZ "Antúnez", uno de los miles y miles de ex presos políticos que dentro de las cárceles cubanas conoció en carne propia la tortura, y todas formas de represión por parte de los carceleros en su desmedido afán de rendir y doblegar nuestra voluntad de lucha y resistencia.

Soy uno de los tantos cubanos que inspirados en la lucha de Martin Luther King está en las calles cubanas apelando a la resistencia cívica y la desobediencia civil como estrategias para lograr el tan ansiado y necesario cambio hacia la democracia en mi país donde existe una tiranía que lleva medio siglo, conculcando las libertades fundamentales de sus ciudadanos, encarcelando las voces alternativas, y sumiendo a un pueblo a la más abyecta miseria, tanto económica, y moral que haya padecido pueblo alguno.

Señor presidente, me es dable destacar, que el autor de esta misiva fue arrestado por fuerzas combinadas de la Policía Política en la víspera de su ascensión como presidente, con el deliberado propósito de impedir que asistiera a una sede diplomática, a la que había sido invitado, conjuntamente con el también opositor pacifico LORETO HERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA para presenciar ese importante acontecimiento histórico; es decir, su toma de posesión como presidente democráticamente electo.

Resulta irónico y para muchos una bochornosa paradoja que mientras en ese grandioso y hospitalario país, un hombre de la raza negra asumía la máxima magistratura, aquí a escasas 90 millas, dos jóvenes negros éramos, además de arrestados, confinados en inmundos calabozos de los órganos de represión política por casi 72 horas.

Imagino cuantas misivas habrá usted recibido y continuará recibiendo, de cubanos de dentro y fuera de la isla. En mi humilde carta quisiera en nombre de cientos y cientos de hermanos míos encarcelados por sus ideas, de los golpeados, reprimidos y hostigados por luchar de manera pacífica y abierta, sugerirle que el Gobierno de La Habana continúa y continuará siendo fiel a su tradicional vocación anti democrática y dictatorial. Prueba de ello son los arrestos del que le hice mención y la constante escalada represiva que mantiene contra su pueblo y la oposición pacífica.

Señor presidente, la dictadura de La Habana es renuente a conceder la más mínima apertura por que ello pone en juego lo único y que más le interesa: perpetuarse en el poder a costa del dolor, sufrimiento y sacrificio de todo un pueblo.

La historia lo ha demostrado, por lo que no puede olvidarse que cualquier flexibilización de la política para con el régimen castrista equivale a la oxigenación de su gobierno y aparato represivo.

Por otro lado, me encuentro entre los que consideran que las iniciativas de diálogo y entendimiento, son positivas y denotan cualidades serias de quienes las promueven. Pero ha quedado demostrado que un diálogo con sordos e intransigentes resulta contraproducente, y más riesgoso aún cuando se hace sin reales y concretas condiciones para con los represores.

En ese sentido considero que la básica y esencial condición a exigirle a la dictadura de los Castro, es la urgente e inmediata libertad de todos los presos políticos en Cuba, así como las sinceras garantías de implementar un inmediato y eficaz programa de profundas y radicales reformas, políticas, económicas y sociales que estén encaminadas a la instauración de una sociedad democrática con un genuino estado de derecho, y le aseguro con todo respeto y responsabilidad que lo contrario sería dilatar este largo y difícil calvario que por 5 décadas padece el pueblo cubano.

No puedo pasar por alto, lo que a juicio de todos mis compatriotas es y debe siempre constituir nuestro principal clamor y demanda: la libertad de todos y cada uno de los presos políticos en Cuba. Sepa que cientos y cientos de hermanos míos agonizan en inmundos y solitarios calabozos, por hambre, enfermedades y malos tratos, hombres y mujeres cuyo único crimen ha sido el defender los principales derechos y libertades del hombre, abogar y luchar por una sociedad libre.

Esperamos de usted y su gobierno solidaridad para ellos y sus familiares. Esperamos que su administración no pase por alto un pormenor y realidad tan evidente como fundamental; que las principales y perniciosas restricciones que sufre nuestro pueblo, son las que precisamente nos aplica un sistema que rehúsa la liberación de los mercados, la libre empresa, y que con la pobreza que genera provoca un constante éxodo migratorio, y sobre todas las cosas culpar a otros del daño que a su propio pueblo le causan.

Los cubanos como amantes de la libertad, no nos oponemos a cuanta noble iniciativas que valla encaminada al acercamiento y reunificación de la familia cubana separada, y mucho menos a que puedan ser ayudadas en tan difíciles momentos.

Lo que no consideramos decoroso ni patriótico, es que no pocos continúen usando los llamados vuelos de la comunidad para engrosar las arcas del aparato represivo a lucrarse de los privilegios de que gozan los turistas foráneos que visitan Cuba en grosero detrimento de los nacionales.

La libertad de salir de su país y regresar es un derecho básico universalmente reconocido, pero cuando se usa en detrimento de los que padecen opresión, cuando por pasión o interés personal se fortalece al opresor, se cae en algo tan grave como es el antipatriotismo.

Señor presidente, para los cubanos la patria es mucho más grande e importante que nosotros mismos y después de esta larga y desastrosa experiencia totalitaria hemos arribado al pleno convencimiento, que a similitud del movimiento por los derechos civiles en los Estados Unidos, nosotros los cubanos solo vamos a ser libre cuando estemos dispuestos al mayor de los sacrificios, y vicisitudes.

Aunque la solución al problema de Cuba no es demócrata ni republicana, sino del esfuerzo y decisión de los cubanos, estamos conscientes de que el apoyo solidario de un presidente de su inteligencia, carisma, y prestigio podría ayudarnos a acelerar el cambio que tanto anhela los cubanos.

Deseándole muchos éxitos en su gestión de gobierno, y reiterándole que no se olvide y siga de cerca este pueblo y su lucha por la libertad.

* Jorge Luís García Pérez Antúnez.

Ex preso político cubano que permaneció 17 años y 38 días en celdas de castigo y confinamientos, sometido a las más crueles torturas de todo tipo por mantener su dignidad como defensor de los Derechos Humanos

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

We have neglected Latin America!

Watch this video where President Obama speaks on how we have neglected Latin America
Chavez is now in bed with the Chinese and the Russians. It is quite obvious at this point he wants to take over all of LA and turn it into a Communist Continent! He wants to take over.

I encourage all Amercians, and Cuban-American, and Venezuelans living out here, and all other Latin Amercians living in the US to support our President in getting more involved in LA issues. Bring conciousness, constructive ideas, dare to expose the truth, GET INVOLVED YOURSELVES in whatever way you can, even if through a blog like Yoani Sanchez in Cuba. What's happening in LA is very scary and we don't want all of these nations to turn into another Cuba. 

I like what the Prez said..." a relationship of mutual respect, mutual dignity .... the notion that Latin America is a Junior to the United States... we need to be full partners... that is our focus"

Ladies and gentlemen, this guy is DIFFERENT, this guy understands that we can't impose ourselves as a nation on other nations just because we think we are the most powerful nation in the world and that everyone needs to do as we do. I think he understands that we can be different and live in mutual respect, and that even socialist countries can live with dignity. Folks, there is nothing inherently wrong with certain socialist notions, such as government involvement, taking care of the social aspect of a country, spreading some wealth... these are terms that even the president of our nation, which is a heavy capitalist nation, has used. The question is HOW you achieve these goals, how you as a leader go about them, and we know it's certainly not through military force, not by taking in political prisoners, not by silencing freedom of speech, and certainly not through dictatorship.

We need to support him in this notion and become actively involved in whatever way we can. We can start by becoming open to changing our mentality and the way we perceive the world.