Sunday, September 14, 2008

One of the many reasons why Palin should not be in the White House, from a woman's POV

I agree with Lindsay in the sense that I support her as a woman and mother as I would any other woman that has the ambition to take on both career and family and not allow herself to be forced into choosing one over the other.

However, electing this particular woman to office, I think, would be the downfall of this country. As Lindsay mentioned in her article, it's taken us a LOOONG time to get to a point where we are able to decide what to do with our bodies in many issues from contraceptives, family planning and choice. This woman would not only attempt to reverse, but also pollute all that hard work that women in America have done so far and fought for so very hard. SHE SIMPLY MUST NOT BE ELECTED because there is a good chance she might end up President. SAVE US LORD!!! (not her Lord)

And trying to reform gays is absolutely ridiculous!!! Being gay is not a disease that you cure... it's a way of life, and once again, a CHOICE that should be respected.

I feel that if elected Palin will spend all her energy drilling, trying to impose her religious views on the country and trying to reform all of us who do not agree with her personal views.


Lindsay Lohan actually managed  to write an insightful article opposing Palin.  READ...

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