Friday, July 16, 2010


I debated wether to post this graphic and heartbreaking video. But then I thought, that if I... we, keep turning our heads and choosing not to really see the reality of what is, we will never really understand, and it will forever remain something " we heard on the news...". Whenever you eat your next yummy lamb meal, or beef shawarma, or your ropa vieja... think what you see in this video is what happened prior to this food showing up in your plate. This is not only something we must not support but something we should not eat as well. I guess it would be a perfect world if we could all be vegetarian, but at the very least, the amount of animal flesh we consume should be so low, that the demand should drop tremendously. If you are a meat eater, please support HUMANE TREATMENT OF FARM ANIMALS so that they are feed well and live a good life until it's time for them TO GIVE UP THEIR LIVES IN ORDER TO PRESERVE YOURS. There is no reason why these animals should live tortured lives to end up in the slaughter house and then you EAT THAT TORTURED FLESH, and God knows how much ANTIBIOTICS they were filled with or what kind of DISEASE it has, and now you are consuming. So think about this as you go through life feeding yourself and your families. As far as products made from animals, IT SHOULD NOT EVEN BE AN ISSUE, IT SIMPLY SHOULD NOT BE. We are living in 2010, there are plenty of other sources that we can make coast and soaps from. If you choose not to look at this videO, it's ok. But think that YOU CHOSE NOT TO WATCH IT BECAUSE YOU KNOW IT IS HORRIFYING AND HEARTBREAKING AND THAT IT'S SOMETHING YOU CHOSE NOT TO CONFRONT!

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