Sunday, December 28, 2008

MILK... a must see!

Have you had your dose today? Milk... it does your body good. We'll, I don't really know about that, but I can say this Milk, starring Sean Penn, will do your mind some good.

As always, Sean Penn is incredible. What an actor! There's just not that many people in Hollywood like him right now. But everyone else was good as well, even James Franco which I'm not a huge fan of. Diego Luna of "Y Tu Mama También" was great as the emotionally unstable little Mexican queen who's obsessed with Harvey.

Aside from the actor's performances... I must say, I didn't know much about Harvey Milk and his contribution to the Gay community, yet the film is really inspiring and gave me a good overview about who this man was and his place in American politics. 

The film was also well executed on Van Sant's part. I mean, some people might cringe at the first instance Penn and Franco kiss each other... and then there's the sex scenes, which really don't show anything. I bet that if this were a lesbian movie, the sex scenes would be different if you know what I mean... but that's entirely another blog.

But the film is a must see because of Penn. Did I say how much I like him already! He's just a god. 

1 comment:

~Zurama Arencibia Nuñez~ said...

I don't like him for political reasons, but he is an awesome actor.